About Silver Lake Nature Center

The Silver Lake Nature Center is a facility of the Bucks County Department of Parks and Recreation. The non-profit organization, the Friends of Silver Lake Nature Center assists the County by sponsoring all of the programs, providing staff, representing the community’s interest and advocating for the Center.

7 Miles of Walking Trails

The Trails wander through the diverse habitats preserved at the Nature Center.  A half mile double loop is handicapped accessible and can be reached from the Visitors’ Center or from the parking lot by the lake.

Natural Play Area for Kids

This one-acre plot is designed to encourage Nature-exploration, “off-Trail.” Some additional features include a sandbox/fossil pit, logs & rocks, a stream, and much more. Come explore this beautiful, fun place, located near the Visitors’ Center, just past the Pavilion.

Hands-on Exhibits

Explore the exhibits inside the Visitors’ Center to learn more about the various habitats and animals preserved within the park.


A multipurpose room, located inside the Visitors’ Center, that is used for activities such as community group meetings, classes, weddings, birthday parties, and other special events. (Can hold up to 100 people.)

Cost is $80/hour for Bucks County Residents; $100/hour for Non-residents. Discounts available for Non-profit organizations.

Contact: PattiAnn Cutter at 267-880-5022 or pacutter@buckscounty.org.


This is a popular spot for weddings, awards ceremonies, Scout events, birthdays & other special events. (Can accommodate up to 100 people.)

Cost is $80/hour for Bucks County Residents; $100/hour for Non-residents. Discounts available for Non-profit organizations.

Contact: PattiAnn Cutter at 267-880-5022 or pacutter@buckscounty.org.


This amazing “demo-model” of an Earthship has been a big part of our existing programs since we “pounded” the first tire into it about 6 years ago! Since its completion in 2015, we have also been offering this unique building as a meeting space, for tours, and more!

This building can hold up to 30 people. Cost per hour for rental is $30 OR four (consecutive) hours for $100.

We also offer tours of the Earthship! Please check out our events listing for when it is open for (free) public tours. Or, if you would like to schedule your own group’s (one-hour) tour of the Earthship & Trails, the cost would be $80 for up to 12 people.

To reserve the Earthship or to schedule a group tour, contact PattiAnn Cutter at 267-880-5022 or pacutter@buckscounty.org.

To learn more about Earthships in general, visit www.Earthship.com.

Picnic Pavilion near Visitors’ Center

This Pavilion is located near the Visitors’ Center, next to the Natural Play Area for Kids. It is frequently used by groups visiting SLNC for lunch. The Pavilion is also available for groups who wish to reserve/rent it. It holds up to 60 people, and the rental fee is $80.

Picnic Pavilion at Silver Lake Park

This Pavilion, near the lake, which is also available for rentals holds up to 100 people.

For information on reserving this Pavilion at Silver Lake Park (near the lake), click here.

Barnswallow Gift Shop

A quaint shopping experience chock full of nature related toys, gifts, books, and unique items.