Scouting Adventures and Opportunities are Offered Year ‘Round
**ON Tuesdays through Saturdays!!**
**Scout leaders, let us know the topic/badge/journey/advancement/award that you are looking to cover, and we will work with you to cover the requirements ~ even if you don’t see it listed here! **
After MINIMUM #s are met per program, then TWO Leaders/Adults for the group are not charged. All others are charged the per person fee. Prices are the same for all ages. Thank you.
***Please note for all programs scheduled for a group: A deposit of $100.00 is required to secure date. Balance due on day of program. No refund of deposit unless program is canceled by SLNC.***
** To schedule a program and/or for additional info, contact PattiAnn Cutter at or 267-880-5022.**
- Cub & Boyscout Badges
- Daisy Petals
- Brownie Badges
- Junior Girl Scout Badges
- Cadette Badges
- Yoga for Scouts
- Night Hikes
- Sleepovers
- Service Awards and Projects
Daisy Petals
Clover Petal – Use Resources Wisely; Rosie Petal – Make the World a Better Place
Daisy Petal Program Fees: $8.00/person (children and adults) for 1-hour programs. Minimum 12 (i.e., $96 for up to 12 participants). After MINIMUM #s are met per program, then Two Leaders/Adults for the group are not charged.
Brownie Badges
Bugs; Hiker; Senses; Outdoor Art Creator
Brownie Badge Fees: $8.00/person (children-adults) for 1 -1.5 hour programs. Minimum 12 (i.e., $96 for up to 12 participants). After MINIMUM #s are met per program, then Two Leaders/Adults for the group are not charged.
Junior Girl Scout Badges
Flowers; Gardener; Animal Habitats
Junior Badge Fees: $10.00/person (children-adults) for 1 – 1.5 hour programs. Minimum 12 (i.e., $96 for up to 12 participants). After MINIMUM #s are met per program, then Two Leaders/Adults for the group are not charged.
Cadette Badges
$10.00/person (children-adults) for 1.5 hour programs. Minimum #12 (i.e., $120 for up to 12 participants).
Night Owl (a.k.a. Night Hike-Campfire Program)
$15.00/person (children-adults). Minimum #12. After MINIMUM #s are met per program, then Two Leaders/Adults for the group are not charged.
Night Hike-Campfire Programs run from 6:30 to 8:30pm.
Cub & Boy Scout Badges
Wolf Badge: Your Living World; Outdoor Adventurer; Fishing; Let’s Go Camping
Bear Badges: Sharing Your World with Wildlife; Take Care of Your Planet; Water and Soil Conservation; Landscaping; Let’s Go Camping; Nature Crafts
Any other themes/badges you’d like, that are not listed, just let us know!
Webelos Scout Activity Badges: Forester; Geologist; Naturalist; Outdoorsman
Badge Fees: $10/person (children-adults) for 1 – 1.5 hour programs. Minimum #12 (i.e., $120 for up to 12 participants). After MINIMUM #s are met per program, then TWO Leaders/Adults for the group are not charged. All others are charged the per person fee. Prices are the same for all ages. Thank you.
Boy Scout Merit Badges: Bird Study; Fish & Wildlife Management; Energy; Environmental Science; Forestry; Geology; Insect Study; Mammal Study; Nature; Reptile and Amphibian Study; Soil and Water Conservation
Boy Scout Merit Badge Fees: $12/person (children-adults) for 2.5 – 3 hour program. Minimum 12 (i.e., $144 for up to 12 participants). After MINIMUM #s are met per program, then TWO Leaders/Adults for the group are not charged. All others are charged the per person fee. Prices are the same for all ages. Thank you.
We work with your group to cover as many requirements as possible.
Night Hikes for Scouts
Program begins indoors in our Exhibit Area with a lesson on the nocturnal animals of Silver Lake Nature Center. The outdoor night hike will take us through different habitats: meadow, marsh, and woodlands, in search of creatures of the night. We explore the trails without flashlights, and let our “night vision” guide our way.
Our night adventure ends with a campfire, marshmallows, and a sing-a-long.
Night Hike-Campfire Programs run from 6:30 to 8:30pm.
Night Hike Fees: $15/person (Children-Adults) Minimum 12 . After MINIMUM #s are met per program, then TWO Leaders/Adults for the group are not charged. All others are charged the per person fee. Prices are the same for all ages. Thank you.
Night Hike-Campfire-Sleepover Program
Program begins indoors in our Exhibit Area with a lesson on the nocturnal animals of Silver Lake Nature Center. The outdoor night hike will take us through different habitats: meadow, marsh, and woodlands, in search of creatures of the night. We explore the trails without flashlights, and let our “night vision” guide our way.
Our night adventure ends with a campfire, marshmallows, and a sing-a-long. The group then returns to the building for their sleepover and any other activities their leaders have planned.
Sleeping area is our large (indoor) Auditorium. The group has use of kitchen with stove, oven, microwave, refrigerator, and sink.
Sleepovers run from 6:30pm until 9am the next day.
Sleepover Fees: $25/person (children-adults). Minimum 12 – Maximum 40. After MINIMUM #s are met per program, then TWO Leaders/Adults for the group are not charged. All others are charged the per person fee. Prices are the same for all ages. Thank you.
Nature Discovery Hikes ~with an SLNC Educator are also offered year ’round.
Fee: $10.00/person (children-adults) for 1-hour Guided Hike. Minimum 12 (i.e., $120 for up to 12 participants). After MINIMUM #s are met per program, then TWO Leaders/Adults for the group are not charged. All others are charged the per person fee. Prices are the same for all ages. Thank you.
Fishing 101
Have you always wanted to learn how to fish?
Then we invite you and your group to join us for this 2-hour hands-on, informative, and fun program!
Activities include learning about fish identification, fishing equipment, and fishing techniques!
To schedule this program for your group, please contact PattiAnn at or 267-880-5022.
Fees: $12/person ~ MINIMUM Number of Participants: 12; MAXIMUM Number of Participants: 20. After MINIMUM #s are met per program, then TWO Leaders/Adults for the group are not charged. All others are charged the per person fee. Prices are the same for all ages. Thank you.
Please note for all programs scheduled for a group: A deposit of $100.00 is required to secure date. Balance due on day of program. No refund of deposit unless program is canceled by SLNC.
Programs done at SLNC also include a walk on the beautiful Trails, as well as use of a Picnic Area for lunch located near the SLNC Visitors’ Center.
** To schedule a program and/or for additional info, contact PattiAnn Cutter at or 267-880-5022.**
Service Awards
If you are a Scout and have your eyes set on a service award…if it’s a Bronze, Silver, Gold, or Eagle you want to take…remember us here at SLNC… To schedule a Scout Service Project, contact PattiAnn Cutter at or 267-880-5022.
Service Projects
Earn your next rank by performing a Service Project. Contact us to help develop your next project or event. Have your group participate in one of our programs. Each year SLNC generates a list of large projects to be accomplished. Maybe the right Community Service Project for you is already listed. Some projects are: cleanups, trail enhancements, field management, native species stabilization, construction, and more.