**Please check in with the Group(s) to confirm prior to scheduled meetings.** Clubs and Organizations (a.k.a. “Symbiont” Groups) that meet at Silver Lake Nature Center: Artists of Bristol ~ meet on the second Wednesday of each month at 7pm. Contact: Janice Rhodes at artistsofbristol@gmail.com . Bristol Photographers Club ~ meets on the 2nd &…
read moreSLNC is NOT licensed or equipped to accept injured or orphaned animals. Do not leave injured/orphaned wildlife or unwanted pets at SLNC. To be of help to the Animal, please contact one of the following organizations for assistance (before taking action). Injured Orphaned Animals Info Flyer Aark Wildlife Rehabilitation and…
read moreKEEP YOUR EYES ON THE SKIES! Written by: Sue Kiernan If you’ve been by Silver Lake Park recently and noticed a large contraption by the SLNC Earthship, no we’re not calling out to Martians. We’re calling out to Martins…Purple Martins! These exciting migratory songbirds are members of the Swallow…
read moreThe New SLNC Garden Club will meet from 10am to 12pm on Fridays from June through September!! Help us maintain the beautiful Gardens around the SLNC Visitors' Center! For more information &/or to register, please visit our Calendar of Events or contact SLNC Volunteer Coordinator, Raymie Barry, rabarry@buckscounty.org or 267-880-5020.…
read moreStop by to visit and learn about these interesting, sustainable structures! Tours are FREE, but donations to the nonprofit Friends of SLNC are greatly appreciated. The SLNC Earthship is scheduled to be open to the public for FREE Tours on the following Saturdays: 3/23; 4/20; 5/25; 6/15; 7/20; 8/17; 9/21,…
read moreFamily-friendly Kindness Rock Garden Series. Saturdays: June 22nd; July 20th; August 24th, 10:30am-12pm. Families & Individuals are welcome to join SLNC & the Kiwanis of Levittown-Bristol to help us grow our Garden of Kindness! We will be painting, so please feel free to wear a smock, apron, or old shirt.…
read moreSaturday Morning Bird Walks are offered from March through May AND September through November at 7:30am. Bring your binoculars if you have a pair! Meet outside of the SLNC Visitors’ Center at the Welcome Kiosk near the Parking Area. FREE.
read moreThe following includes the reading list and meeting dates thru June 2025. For additional info and/or to RSVP to attend a meeting, please visit their group page on Facebook at "Nature Book Club" or email Barb Campbell at SLNCNatureBookClub@gmail.com **Confirm with Group Leader, Barb Campbell, prior to meetings.** ***Park…
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